Category Archives: DIY Beauty Recipes & Tips

Image Source: via Pinterest

Summer is right around the corner so I thought I’d share some posts I’ve done recently (and some not so recently) to help you prepare for this super fun season!

Some people buy new clothes and makeup for summer while others get super fit for “bikini season.” Others do nothing at all and simply enjoy the weather.

How Do You Prepare for Summer?

What’s Your Favorite Part of Summer?

♥ Tianna

Image via Pinterest

You won’t believe what I’ve been using as an all natural deodorant!

It’s not any particular product you can buy because, despite how much I like natural deodorant in the winter, they are not effective enough to use in the hot California summer.

I’ve been using lemons! I know the photo is of limes, but that’s because my BFF (AKA best friend FOH-EVA) recommended that I try limes. The thing is, I only had lemons on hand so I used those instead and they work just as well.

How Does This All Work?


You simply cut a small slice of lemon or lime, whichever you have on hand, and rub it lightly in your under arm area. Let it dry for a few seconds and then go on your way!


I didn’t believe it either when she told me, but suspend your judgment until you try it for yourself.

It’s super cheap, eco and really surprisingly effective! 

The natural benefits of this are that the citrus absorbs all of the bacteria in your under arm area ( which is what makes you smell bad, by the way ) so you don’t have a particular scent, but you definitely don’t smell AT ALL.

I wore this for literally 10 hours and did not smell in the least. Then I went to the gym after work for an hour and did intense circuit training and, despite being drenched in sweat, I STILL did not smell!

This definitely works and some other benefits you will see over time are lighter under arms  because the citrus will lighten the discoloration conventional deodorants have caused you over time, clear pores and smoother skin in this area, and a cleaner shave because of your smoother under arm skin!

The price of this deodorant method is less than $1 so definitely try this out – You can afford it!

Definitely let me know in the comments if you’ve tried this insanely effective and surprisingly simple “DIY” deodorant method or try it and let me know how it goes!

What Do You Think of DIY Deodorants? 

♥ Tianna

Today’s post is focused on how to get you the best skin possible without using products. I definitely think products can help skin out, but getting nice dewy and healthy skin, in my opinion, is easiest to create when following a healthy diet, utilizing a few beauty tips and DIY recipes. You’ll be surprised at how effective some of these really are. so without further delay, here are some tips on how to get flawless skin naturally. 


Achieving glowing skin can seem impossible at times, and yes you can always fake it with makeup, but to get authentically glowing skin, I highly recommend a diet high in fruits and veggies, especially berries. They have very high concentrations of antioxidants, help keep your body hydrated (which in turn, hydrates your skin), and they are high in vitamins and nutrients essential to repairing and maintaining healthy skin. To learn more about the benefits of berries for your skin, check out the original post I did on this here. Aside from berries, there are a ton of hydrating foods you can consume to up the hydration of your cells and therefore your skin. Check out a list I’ve made of these foods – here.



I used to think I needed some kind of magical product to fix my skin, but after much experimentation, I find that a nice DIY recipe works just as well, if not better, and I am left with a lot more cash in my pocket at the end of it all. One thing that I definitely deal with a lot, especially in the Summer time, is redness. The most effective treatment for this, by far, are toners and you can make a number of them with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Check out the DIY toner recipes – here.

Image by YaiSiricha with FreeDigitalPhotos.Net


Although we can do everything right, including eat well, sometimes I think it’s still pretty difficult to get all the nutrients our skin and body need to function at optimal levels. Because of this, I think supplements can be very beneficial to our systems, especially in resolving skin problems such as acne, dry skin, redness, and other issues. For a list of essential supplements for beauty and health, check here. There are many benefits to be gained from taking supplements, especially for preventing premature aging and treating existing issues. To see the beauty benefits of vitamins, check here.



You’re probably really familiar with the idea of using plant oils in skincare as many brands have begun to utilize these in their product formulations, but did you know that they can be just as beneficial used on their own? Some of you may still be wary of using oil on your skin, but don’t be. Choosing the right oil for you skin type, which you can do – here – is all you need to find the perfect plant oil that will benefit you the most. There are tons to choose from for any skin type from dry to sensitive to oily. To learn more about using oil in skincare, check out this post and if you’re unsure about how to use natural plant oils for the best results, you can get more information in this post that will help you.

I hope these tips were helpful to you in your quest for skin perfection!

What Are Some Simple Tricks or DIY Recipes You Use At Home To Treat Your Skin?

I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

♥ Tianna

Natural DIY Hair Mask

I have been having the worst hair issues that I’ve had in years.

With the change of the season, I feel like they’ve only gotten worse.

Even with some of the lovely hair products I’ve tried, I only find temporary relief and once I run out of the products, my hair goes back to the same miserable condition.

Breakage, split ends, unmanageable hair, tangled hair, dryness, dullness, frizziness, a ridiculous amount of fall out,  lack of body and volume, and just a general crappy crap mess when it comes to my hair.

Originally, I tried this mask because I was looking for a natural way to brighten up my hair for Spring without actually coloring it given that I have given my hair a fair amount of abuse in the past few years where hair dye is concerned and also that I was too afraid to really experiment without risking more damage and drama in the hair department so going the natural route has always been the safest bet for me.

I discovered this incredible recipe on YouTube via Andrea’s Choice – see her video here – but I actually altered it slightly to fit what I had on hand and I think I’ve gotten better results because of it!

Here’s What You Need: 

  • Equal Parts Organic Coconut Oil & Honey/ Manuka Honey – I used Manuka honey, but any honey will work. I say equal parts because I used about 2 tablespoons of each, but if you have shorter hair you could use 1:1 tablespoons or if you have longer or thicker hair than me, you might need about 3-4 tablespoons of each so just use your judgment. 
  • A small bowl
  • A spoon
  • A spare Grocery Bag to put on your head.
  • A Towel for keeping the mixture off your clothes.
  • Gloves (Optional)


STEP 1:  Mix Equal Parts Honey & Coconut Oil with a spoon in a bowl until thoroughly blended.

STEP 2: Wrap A Towl around your shoulders and secure with a hair band to prevent any of the mixture from transferring to your clothes.

STEP 3: Apply the mixture with or without gloves, as desired. Where you apply the mixture depends on what effects you want out of this treatment. If you want natural highlights, focus on the top layer of hair and the crown of your head in order to emulate the way the sun naturally hits and highlights hair. If you want an all over treatment, apply the mixture from roots to ends, mainly massaging into the scalp and saturating the ends.

STEP 4: After applying the mixture to your hair, wrap your hair in the grocery bag and leave in, as desired, for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Your hair will get really stiff and feel pretty unpleasant, but that’s normal.

STEP 5: Rinse hair in the shower, first with water only and then shampoo and condition as usual.

The Result? 

My hair has literally never felt better!

It’s super soft, manageable, bouncy, voluminous, shiny, frizz free, and it has some nice, natural looking red highlights in it! I’ve done this treatment 2 different times and had equally awesome results both times. I will continue doing this treatment every week or so for a bit as I’d really like to see how light I can get my hair to go. Also, I find that this treatment has done wonders for the condition of my hair. The difference is night and day and one thing I notice that I really love is that before, when I would wash my hair normally, I generally found that my hair was seriously imbalanced. It would get oily and flat in about a day’s time, but still feel really knotted, dry, and generally look unattractive. Now, after this treatment, I notice my hair looks amazing even though I’m going on 3 days without shampooing or anything and, for me, that is AWESOME! Lastly, another thing I noticed is that I’m experiencing bouncy waves and curls that I really haven’t had since I was 8 or something so that is AMAZING!

I hope you all can try this treatment if you want natural, damage free highlights for Spring & Summer or, especially, if you have any of the hair worries that I’ve been experiencing because I definitely think you will notice a huge difference!

What’s Your Favorite DIY Hair or Beauty Treatment?

I’d love to know in the comments!

♥ Tianna 

I’ve recently discovered this new and super easy treatment for my eye area – vitamin E capsules!

I know it sounds weird, but it’s actually really effective on things like broken capillaries, dryness, fine lines, and even a bit of brightening to the entire eye area, but that may be due to the fact that it’s more hydrated.

I love to use these vitamin E capsules rather than straight vitamin E oil because they’re just the perfect size to pop open with the end of your tweezers  and squeeze out the tiniest amounts straight out of the capsule wherever you might need the extra nourishment. It does feel a bit oily and thick, but you only need a small amount and I use them right before bed so it doesn’t much bother me.

When I wake up in the morning, my capillaries have shrunk in size, the whole area of my eyes looks brighter, more hydrated, youthful and smooth!

I’ve been storing the capsules in an old Steamcream tin, but you can keep them in the bottle, however you like – I just put them in this tin because I thought it saved on space this way instead of trying to find a spot for the huge pill bottle they were initially in.

So, what do you guys think of using vitamin E for beauty?

Are there any DIY type beauty things you do that is re-purposed from something else like this?

I’d love to know in the comments!

♥ Tianna

DIY Bronzing Oil

Happy Saturday!

I hope you’re all enjoying a nice relaxing day off! I always feel like Saturdays are the perfect time for DIY or some kind of project or beauty indulgence session which is why I thought I’d share some DIY projects I’ve done in the past here on the blog with all of you so I hope you enjoy and do let me know how it goes if you decide to try them out for yourself!

What’s Your Favorite DIY Project or Recipe?

I’d Love to Know in the Comments!

Have A Great Weekend!


May Lindstrom – The Good Stuff Radiance Oil 

I recently review May Lindstrom’s The Good Stuff Radiance Oil and really have loved it so much I’m likely to purchase it once I run out of it because it’s so lovely. Aside from it’s naturally nourishing ingredients, it includes golden mica in the formula which lends a golden glow to my skin whenever I apply it. I really love the mini faux glow it gives my skin because I don’t have to sit 5 hours waiting for it to develop like I would with a self tanner. Granted, I don’t get a deep tan with this, but it’s a nice and simple way to get glowing Summer type skin without putting too much effort in and the ingredients in this all over Liquid Sunshine Oil looks great on my face and body.

I really enjoy wearing it when I don’t feel like wearing any makeup, but still want to look somewhat put together because it gives my skin a golden glow and dewy healthy look that allows my skin to shine through and look beautiful while doing it.  You still need a sunscreen when you go out as this doesn’t include SPF other than what’s naturally in plant oils ( no higher than SPF 5, if that ) , but it looks great by itself on makeup free days or beach days for that added golden glow on any skin tone or type.

You can see my original review on The Good Stuff Radiance Oil – here.

You can purchase it from May Lindstrom – here.

What’s Your Favorite Way to Get Glowing Skin?

Let Me know in the Comments!

Related Articles:

DIY Brightening Face & Body Sugar Scrub

Berries for Glowing Skin

Tips for Glowing Skin & A Healthy Body

Get A Safe Tan with Tan Organic!

Top Foods for Hair, Skin & Nails

Do you ever get tired of using a million and one products to treat every single skin issue on the planet? Hyper-pigmentation, scarring, dullness, hydration, acne, redness, the list goes on. What if I told you you could get away with using only ONE moisturizer year round with a few tiny adjustments and it could treat a variety of your skin concerns at any given moment and for a lot less money?

Today’s post is going to show those of you who wish to keep their skincare routine to a minimum how to do just that using 1 moisturizer and a few additives to keep on hand to transform your basic moisturizer into anything you want.

The concept for this is super easy, really. Choose a basic moisturizer that you like, that doesn’t irritate your skin, and keep it super simple. As a basic moisturizer, I’ve been using the Philosophy Keep the Peace Moisturizer as it’s quite basic and includes some nice extracts for keeping the skin calm. Once you’ve chosen your basic moisturizer, you’ll want to pick up a few additives, depending on your skin issues and/or concerns. I’ve listed a few above to give you an idea of the kind of additives you may want to include, but depending on what your concern is, you may need to adjust.

Before I get into anything, please remember to take extreme care when using essential oils in this way. Using them undiluted on the skin can do a lot of damage so know your limits. I am not a doctor, dermatologist, etc. nor am I qualified to give medical advice. I am only sharing what has worked for me and my skin so, if you’re unsure, please consult your primary care physician and/or dermatologist before trying any of these methods as outlined below.

First off, the most basic of the basics is tea tree essential oil. It’s so versatile and it can do a number of things, especially for those who battle breakouts. The first thing you can do is use it as a spot treatment by tapping a very tiny amount directly onto any pimples, blackheads, etc. Another way to use it is if you have a ton of breakouts and you want like an “acne all-over treatment” type moisturizer, mix 1-2 drops of it in with a small amount of your basic moisturizer and apply it liberally on your face, neck, etc. Wherever you’re broken out. It will feel tingly and cooling for a bit, but once it’s dry, it goes away. If not, rinse immediately. Also, this all- over type treatment also works well as a balancer for the skin. It will semi-mattify, but not dry out your skin. If it dries your skin out, you’re using too much essential oil & need to tone down on the amount you’re using.

Another good essential oil for balancing out the skin is also carrot seed essential oil and it’s great for both dry skin and oily skin types because it simply helps balance the skin as opposed to some others like tea tree which might be a little too oil-absorbing instead of balancing for those who have dry skin and acne. I don’t advise this for those who have sensitive skin because using essential oils like this can feel a little intense at first and it may cause you irritation. For everyone else, this may really do your skin some good. If you want to use another essential oil other than tea tree for breakouts, some good ones include rosemary, sage, or frankincense.

Next, if you have pigmentation, scarring or dullness issues, you can use the same 1-2 drops mixed into a small amount of your basic moisturizer to treat those concerns. You can use a number of essential oils such as sandalwood, orange or lemon. Any citrus fruit essential oil variety can be great for brightness. Sandalwood is especially beneficial for those who suffer from acne or who have suffered from it in the past and now deal with scarring because it treats both. Citrus essential oils will brighten skin in the same way that slathering lemon juice all over your skin would help brighten it over time.

Thirdly, if you are battling redness, rosacea, or any kind of irritation or inflammation in the skin, a lot of times, it’s best to simply leave your skin alone. You may have cause some irritation already and you want to let your skin calm down before putting more crap on it. If you absolutely must, you can apply hydrosols and that will be a good alternative. If you have no irritation, but you suffer from a lot of redness anyway, some good essential oils that help calm the skin include chamomile, calendula, lavender, and clary sage. Clary sage can also be beneficial for those who suffer from acne AND have sensitive skin.

Lastly, if you need hydration, mixing a bit of your chosen carrier oil is all your need to get that extra bit. This is especially beneficial in the fall / winter time when skin needs more nourishment due to cold weather, but it’s also good if you have a drier skin type or live in a cold climate. You don’t need to exercise too much caution with carrier oils as they are simply plant oils and not concentrated like essential oils are, but all the same, take care to choose one that’s right for your skin & the season. If you have oily skin, some light oils include grapeseed and sweet almond oil. If you have combination skin, evening primrose and grapeseed are both great. If you have dry skin, olive oil, apricot kernel, avocado and argan are all great choices. If you have normal skin, any will work, but jojoba is solid for those with neutral skin types. Remember, if you’re allergic to nuts, stay away from sweet almond and other nut oils – instead, opt for evening primrose, grapeseed or olive oil. If you have sensitive skin, grapeseed, evening primrose and rosehip all work nicely.

Personally, I use a variety of essential oils in a basic moisturizer if I’ve run out of my favorite products or I need a quick treatment and I have some days to spare before I can re-order products I like. For breakouts and oiliness, I use a bit of moisturizer with tea tree oil or I use a Q tip to spot treat blemishes. It does tingle a bit, but I’m used to it. If I need to calm my skin down, I use the moisturizer by itself with nothing else. If I need more moisture, I add a tiny bit of evening primrose oil to my moisturizer for a bit of more nourishing hydration. For scarring and dullness issues, I occasionally use lemon or grapefruit essential oil, but I mostly just have a strict 2 times exfoliation per week. Sometimes I’m lazy and I’ll just do a face mask or use my clarisonic in place of exfoliating, but it has the same effects. Otherwise, if I’m dealing with a particularly horrible skin issue (breakouts or something), I might do an intense exfoliation, but only once that week. 

Just as a side note- if you have sensitive skin, you can do the added moisture step in this post, but don’t use any essential oils as many people who have sensitive skin won’t be able to handle it & it may cause irritation. If you want to try something similar, you can use hydrosols as they are less concentrated than essential oils and less likely to irritate the skin, but still offer skin benefits. You can also infuse carrier oils such as olive oil, grapeseed oil or evening primrose oil with dried plants for a few weeks or months and this will help you gain the benefits from them with little to no irritation.

IMPORTANT! If you do any of these methods, you MUST wear sunscreen as essential oils make skin sun sensitive. You don’t want to be treating pigmentation at night with EOs and then causing more during the day so DEFINITELY pack on that sunscreen!

So, I hope you found this helpful – feel free to ask me any questions you may have & I will do my best to help!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope everyone’s week is off to a nice start and all that jazz. It’s slightly warmer today than it has been, much to everyone’s dismay here in Cali, but it’s a great start to the week for me other than that! I managed to get a lot done over the weekend in terms of gifts for the holidays, blogging, holiday shopping and even got back into doing Insanity and eating very healthily this week! Just yesterday, I made my lunches for the week, did a 4 mile walk with my boyfriend and did an Insanity workout so I’m feeling quite accomplished! Back on the subject of gifts, I managed to start a few of the DIY gifts I’ll be giving away this year that actually require a bit of time to make and it got me thinking that it’s a great way to give presents without breaking the bank and it’s super personal so here’s a few of my favorites that I thought I’d share with you all that are really easy. Some are ones I’ve done this past weekend (or started, rather) and others are ones I may try, have tried or want to try in the future.

Homemade DIY Lemoncello

I used this recipe from Dine & Dish to make this, but there are tons of variations online when you type into google; I just picked one I liked that wasn’t too elaborate. You will see that recipes vary the amount of sugar, water, lemons and vodka used. My advice is if you want a more sour flavor, use less sugar, and if you want it to be sweeter, use more sugar (obviously, but just in case! Sometimes I’m slow to the show with these sort of things ahaha ). Anyway, I’ve posted the basic breakdown below of what I used and my method, but you can refer back to the Dine & Dish recipe, if you prefer something more structured.

  • 6 lemons – the recipe says to use only the rind / zest (outer layers ) of the lemons, but I used the entire thing. I just cut them up into small pieces and separated the zest and center so the flavors would be released. No word on how good or bad it will taste haha.
  • 1 (750-ml) bottle vodka – I used some random brand from Finland that I got at Target. It cost me $11.99. I will be separating the liquor into smaller bottles (similar to the one I made the vanilla extract in! ) to give as gifts over the holidays.
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups sugar

The basic breakdown of this recipe is to let the lemon rind/peel infuse in the vodka for around 1 week, though some recipes call for more time than that. Then, you dissolve the sugar in the water on the stove to make your own simple syrup, which is basically homemade sweetener. You add it, as desired, to the liquor, depending on how sweet you want it to be. I love this idea for a gift because 1. I’m Italian and this recipe is too! 😉 and 2. it’s simple, easy, and liquor is always appreciated as a gift, in my opinion. Plus, I’ll be sorting them into smaller, more decorative bottles so its really cute as a gift, but I spent very little on it – Thank God! LOL. I’m on a strict budget this year.

Homemade DIY Vanilla Extract

I got my recipe for this from TidyMom, but there are literally tons out there because the recipe is so simple and easy, though the kind of vanilla beans you use will determine the ultimate flavor you get in your end result. Check out TidyMom’s recipe for a breakdown of the different types of beans and their ultimate flavoring. I’ve used Mexican vanilla beans, but you can use any kind you like for a variety of flavors. All you do is put 3-6 vanilla beans (sliced open lengthwise) into a bottle of your choice and fill up with vodka. Let it sit for 6 weeks or more and then it’s done! You can leave the beans in for more steeping or you can take them out. Leaving them in will further develop the flavor, but it doesn’t matter really. I just wanted to make this one; I haven’t really decided if I want to give it as a gift or not yet. What do you guys think?

Homemade DIY Bath Soak

This was soo easy! I didn’t use any recipe for this as I already know how to make this one without it, but there are tons out there to choose from. For mine, I used a large jar from Michaels (cost – about $5.99) to store it in.

For the soak, I used 1 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup rose powder, 12 cup milk powder, 1/2 cup kaolin clay (but you can used any clay for detoxing purposes!), and 1/4 cup ground up oatmeal. Then, to fill up the entire jar, I doubled this recipe.

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DIY Ornament From via Pinterest

DIY Ornament

There are tons and tons of ideas out there for making or decorating your own ornaments for the holidays to put on your own tree or give as gifts, but this one is my favorite! I really love how green, whimsical, and earthy it looks. They also have some which involve painting that look fun and some others that look like they’d make great crafts for kids to do.

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Hot Chocolate and Liquor DIY Gift From via Pinterest

DIY Hot Chocolate Gift + Mini Alcohol

I haven’t decided yet whether I want to include this hot chocolate idea in with the lemoncello that I’ll be giving away or not, but it does look really cute together, no? This idea incorporates tiny store bought liquor (Kahlua, to be exact) which would be cool to use as well as making your own variation. Please don’t try to make your own alcohol, though; this is not Moonshiners! That stuff is so dangerous – you don’t want to be killing anyone this holiday, no matter how annoying they might be.

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DIY Porcelain Marker Quote Mug From via Pinterest

DIY Sharpie / Porcelain Marker Mug, Dish, Etc.

I love love LOVE this idea! It’s so simple, but you can absolutely customize it to the person you’re giving it to or you can customize all your own porcelain coffee cups too! I love the idea of putting quotes in cursive on cups. I’m actually doing this idea (or a variation of it) for a relative this year because it’s so cute and easy. All you do is draw on your cup with chosen porcelain marker(s) as you like and that’s it. There are also ideas out there for drawing on ceramic mugs with sharpies and then baking them to seal in the marker which look cool. Other ideas involve painting or marking up your own dishes and baking them or using porcelain markers, depending. They all look awesome!

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DIY Baked Goods From via Pinterest

DIY Baked Goods Gift

This is such a fantastic gift to give, especially if you’re strapped for cash. It looks adorable and it won’t cost you very much at all. I love how this idea involves using tissue paper and waxed paper to make the cute packaging!

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DIY Food Gift Basket From via Pinterest

DIY Gourmet Food Basket 

I love how easy and simple this idea is! It’s relatively cheap and these ideas for baskets can be themed and don’t exactly have to be food. I think food is a great idea for those who love gourmet or are foodies or chefs or something, but you could branch this out to those who like games, movies, books, or anything, really, so that it’s personal, but also fun and affordable.

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DIY Beauty Board Makeup Gift From via Pinterest

DIY Beauty / Makeup Board

I love this idea for a magnet board that allows your makeup to stick to it! How easy it would be for me to find things if my beauty products were organized like this! This is such a cute, fun gift idea for beauty addicts like myself, no?

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DIY Baby Gift Basket From via Pinterest

DIY Baby Gift Basket / Flowers / Cupcakes

I think this idea is so cute! There are tons out there for baby gift ideas like this one. I actually will be doing one this year where you roll onesies up and put them into foils so they look like cupcakes. It’s so adorable! This one is also really nice as well and the finished result looks so great – like you’re all pro – but in reality it’s easy haha. I love gifts like this that make me look overly impressive without much effort. Just saying.

So, have you tried or are you planning on trying any cool DIY gift ideas this year?

If so, what are they?

Please share with me in the comments!

DIY Facial Blotting Tissue Papers!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I’m quite tired today as I drank a lot last night (King’s Cup, anyone?), but thanks to my Irish Italian genes, no hangover! [Please drink responsibly!]

Anyway, so I did this project on Friday finally, but I’ve been wanting to do it for ages as it had been rolling around in my head waiting to become a reality!

It’s such an easy project, I’m not sure why I’ve never seen it in the beauty world yet (that I know of!), but I hope you enjoy and try it for yourself!

  1. Business Card / Cigarette Holder Case or some other case to store your facial blotting tissue papers in.
  2. Paintbrush. Any will work, but ones with more surface area will work best like a fan brush or wide flat brush.
  3. Tissue Paper cut into rectangles. You can use different colors, if you like, but I’ve just used natural tone recycled fibers tissue paper.
  4. Essential Oils of Your Choice – I used peppermint.
  5. Scissors to cut tissue paper to the correct rectangle size. You could technically cut them into any shape you want, but this was perfect to fit into my little case.

Some things to note are that you use hydrosol instead E.O., if you want, but the scent will be less noticeable and more subtle once it dries. You can dry these with a hair dryer, if you want, but honestly, the best way is to let them air dry. They dry so quickly that using a hair dryer would just make a mess and blow the papers everywhere. I want to note that you only need to paint one side as the papers are so thin it will bleed all the way through. It can be very light coating as well – I lightly brushed each paper and then picked them up to make sure they didn’t stick to the table I was working on so they would dry without the paper gluing itself to the table so definitely make sure it’s not stuck to your table while it dries as it will stay that way! Lastly, you may need to cut these down a bit to get them to fit into your chosen case like I did. Otherwise, you can cut them precisely ahead of time.

Have You ever Made your own Facial Blotting Tissue Papers?

Be sure to Sign Up for My Black Friday Beauty Giveaway – here.

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